Hugo Egon Balderの直筆サイン入り写真 (英语):
Hugo Egon Balder Success! - 2019年4月11日 Hi! I recently received an autograph card from the german showmaster Hugo Egon Balder.
Please comment your thoughts about authenticity
Sent LOR and SASE without any picture.
DIN A6 autograph card came from Hugo Egon Balder.
Received autograph without dedication.
Sent: 12.03.2019
Received: 09.04.2019
Used Adress:
Weihrauch K�nstlerbedarf GmbH
Venloer Stra�e 44
D-50672 K�ln |
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Hugo Egon Balder success - 2011年5月13日 hey
i got a autograph from Hugo he is a german TV presenter he makes the show "Genial Daneben"
i send a letter and a SASE on 2/14/2011 and recv. 5/13/2011
i used this adress:
Hugo Egon Balder
Pool Position Management GmbH
Eifelstr. 29
50677 Köln
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