Junior Johnsonの直筆サイン入り写真 (英语):
Junior Johnson NASCAR HOF Success - 2016年6月29日 Sent LOR, SASE and TC to:
Mr. Junior Johnson
3200 Seven Eagles Rd.
Charlotte, NC 28210
Received the card back signed, however he accidentally signed the plastic sleeve it was in.
Sent: 6/20/16
Received: 6/28/16
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Junior Johnson SUCCESS!! NASCAR Racing legend! - 2015年10月6日 Three really fast awesome autographs from a racing legend!
Sent out on 9-10-2015
Received on 9-16-2015
3200 Seven Eagles Rd Charlotte, NC 28210-5938
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Junior Johnson success TTM!!!! - 2015年6月3日 I sent a LOR, SASE and photo to him at the following address:
3200 Seven Eagles Rd
Charlotte, NC 28210-5938
on 4/23/15 and received the signed photo today (6/3/15)
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