Ana Mulvoy-Ten Strand Entertainment 3330 Cahuenga Blvd Suite 500 Los Angeles, CA 90068 アメリカ合衆国
問題を報告する |
Strand Entertainment (俳優事務所) 3330 Cahuenga Blvd Suite 500 Los Angeles, CA 90068 アメリカ合衆国 電話: (323) 370-1577 ファクシミリ: 公式サイト コメント: Formerly Silver Lining Entertainment
Ana Mulvoy-Tenに、ファンとして手紙やサインをお願いする場合の送付方法を教えて下さい。
サインを要求する場合、下記のガイドラインをお読み下さい。 上記の住所へ手紙を出し、返信を必要とされない場合は、この続きをお読み頂く必要はありません。
配達の段階で写真が折れないように、厚紙を一緒に封書に入れて頂いても構いません。その際、封筒には『Do Not Bend』(屈折禁止)と記入して下さい。返事は、大抵3ヶ月以降に届くことが多いようですのでしばらくお待ち下さい。
国際返信切手券は、受取人がアメリカ合衆国の切手を購入する際に使用されます。 国際返信切手券は、お近くの郵便局で購入することが出来ます。国際返信切手券は、封筒に貼るのではなく、同封して下さい。 国際返信切手券に関して更に詳しくお知りになりたい方は、こちらをご覧下さい。
Ana Mulvoy-Tenの直筆サイン入り写真 (英语):
?~Ana Mulvoy-Ten (House of Anubis)~? - 2012年5月25日 Original Post: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=250185&view=previous
I posted this originally when I received the autograph, but I didnt have the pictures, so here is the new post... I hope that you find it useful.
Sent: early March 2012
Received: May 7th, 2012
Avg Wait Time: 2 months
On Ana Mulvoy-Tens Twitter Page (http://twitter.com/#!/anamulvoyten) at the top she has listed, *Fan mail goes to: Ana Muvloy-Ten, 8383 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 1050, Beverly Hills, CA 90210*
So, I used:
Ana Muvloy-Ten
8383 Wilshire Blvd
Ste 1050
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Picture w/ Envelope:
She signed the photo on the back with a personalized message that read:
"Dear Violet,
Thank you very much for your lovely letter, it really made me smile! I am so happy you enjoy the show and Ambe and thank you SO much for voting for me.
I loved the envelope you made me, so very creative of you.
Lots of love,
A picture of the personalized message:
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Ana Mulvoy-Ten Success!!! - 2012年5月8日 [color=#FF00FFAna Mulvoy Ten[/color
I saw a small blue envelope in the mail, so I'm like... what the heck?!?! So I opened it, saw "TEN" and Ana's long, blonde locks of hair and I'm like then I was SOOO HAPPY!
It said:
"Dear Violet,
Thank you very much for your lovely letter, it really made me smile! I am so happy you enjoy the show and Ambe and thank you SO much for voting for me.
I loved the envelope you made me, so very creative of you.
Lots of love,
I'll upload pics soon but I was SO happy!!! MY BEST AUTOGRAPH EVER!! |
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Ana Mulvoy-Ten (House of Anubis) BIG Success!!! - 2011年11月1日 Hello everyone!
Wow, what a great start to the month of November! Today I saw in my mailbox an envelope that looked antique but from OVERSEAS!!! So, I opened it and saw Ana Mulvoy Ten's reply! At first when I saw it I thought it was Alana Blanchard (Surfer, Soul Surfer)! But then I saw my House of Anubis photo and was very shocked! I sent to her 2 YEARS ago when House of Anubis just started airing. Most House of Anubis fans know this, but the show ended a year and a half ago!
Stuff Recieved:
My photo that I sent
A pretty photo that she sent
A letter
And her letter was SOOOOOOOO nice! Her letter said:
So sorry I am so late but I have been living in California for 6 months! Thanks you for your letter, I LOVE it!
All my love,
Sorry, no scanner!
Thanks Ana and fanmail.biz!
Oh, and the address is:
Ana Mulvoy Ten
Emma Engers Associates, LTD.
56 Russell Court
Woburn Place
London WC1H 0LW |
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