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Suzanne Collins
Suzanne Collins
作家 フォーラム
別名: それを加えなさい 皆様のご意見をお寄せ下さい
生年月日: 1962年8月10日
電子メールアドレス: それを加えなさい
最新のメッセージ: 2013年3月11日 >>>


Suzanne Collins
Scholastic Inc.
557 Broadway
New York, NY 10012-3999


Scholastic Inc.
557 Broadway
New York, NY 10012-3999
電話: (212) 343-6100

Suzanne Collinsに、ファンとして手紙やサインをお願いする場合の送付方法を教えて下さい。

サインを要求する場合、下記のガイドラインをお読み下さい。 上記の住所へ手紙を出し、返信を必要とされない場合は、この続きをお読み頂く必要はありません。 アメリカ合衆国ドイツ内にお住まいの方は、切手がきちんと貼ってあるかどうかやご自身の住所が記載されているか、更に、あなたのリクエストの手紙と写真が入っているかをご確認の上、ご送付下さい。(封書は最小11cmx22cmかそれ同等のサイズにてお願い致します。) 配達の段階で写真が折れないように、厚紙を一緒に封書に入れて頂いても構いません。その際、封筒には『Do Not Bend』(屈折禁止)と記入して下さい。返事は、大抵3ヶ月以降に届くことが多いようですのでしばらくお待ち下さい。
国際返信切手券は、受取人がアメリカ合衆国の切手を購入する際に使用されます。 国際返信切手券は、お近くの郵便局で購入することが出来ます。国際返信切手券は、封筒に貼るのではなく、同封して下さい。 国際返信切手券に関して更に詳しくお知りになりたい方は、こちらをご覧下さい。

Suzanne Collinsの直筆サイン入り写真 (英语):

Suzanne Collins (THG Author) Success! - 2013年3月11日
I will not give out the address. If I could find it from doing some searching, you can find it. Sent: End of June 2012 What I sent: LOR (almost 3 pages), my copy of THG, my book jacket for Catching Fire, $8 cash, and a padded self addressed envelope Received: March 11, 2013 What I received: my book and book jacket both signed and personalized with my $8 back It didnt take me that long to find her address. I sent it to her private home address. I honestly was not sure if it was her address and I wasnt expecting it back. I sent a padded envelope to be sent back to me that I wrote my address on. The return address looks to be written by her and it is the Scholastic address: Scholastic 557 Broadway New York, NY 10012 I seriously am having trouble typing this because when I opened my mailbox up today this was the last thing I expected. I saw the envelope and said to myself "..if this is what I think it is....." and I saw my hand writing I knew it was but when I saw the Scholastic return address I thought that it probably would just be returned to me with that stupid letter from Scholastic. But - it wasnt: THG: - Catching Fire (the "To Caimen" is on the top of the jacket) : - Envelope: -

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Suzanne Collins (THG) Failure - 2012年5月23日
Sent: 05.04.2012 - LOR, SASE, book Received: 05.23.2012 - Publicity letter, SASE, book unsigned Used the Scholastic address in the database DO NOT SEND THERE! Im bummed, as this is my first ever rejection, but I knew there was a high chance it was coming. Thank you il0veseamushp for mentally preparing me. Haha. At least they took my handwritten letter. Genuinely happy about that! I put an awesome sticker on it. x) [Photos removed for personal reasons.

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Suzanne Collins - The Hunger Games - REJECTED! - 2012年5月23日
Just got home to find a package in my room. It was from Scholastic INC . Only thing that I would be expecting would be my Hunger Games book that I sent to Ms. Collins to autograph. Well I was right. It was my book and my SASE back.. with a rejecting letter saying they’ll giver her my letter but returned my book as she cant sign it for too many request. Guess I’ma spend another $5 sending it to her again. -

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