Buck Trent, country music star, 2nd try SUCCESS! - 2012年4月11日 On 3/10/12, I wrote Buck Trent, US country and western artist, with an autograph request, including SSAE and 3x5 card for signing. First attempt was RTS, due to his re-location after the Branson, MO, tornadoes last month. That letter was received by me on April 1st, had some information updated (sending date and address changed) and re-sent that day. I received his reply today, April 11, 2012. He signed my 3x5 card "Pat........Oh Yeah! Buck Trent" and sent an additional signed 8x10 photo, with the same autograph. He even sent me my original SSAE, unused! His current fanmail.biz database address is no longer valid, so his new address is below.
Buck Trent
c/o "The Buck Trent Morning Show"
118 Hampshire Dr.
Branson, MO 65616 |