Roger Donlonの直筆サイン入り写真 (英语):
Col Roger Donlon Medal of Honor Vietnam - 2021年3月30日 Roger Hugh Charles Donlon (born January 30, 1934) is a former United States Army officer. He is the first person to receive the Medal of Honor in the Vietnam War, as well as the first member of the United States Army Special Forces to be so honored.
In May 1964, Donlon's team was sent to Vietnam where they established an outpost at Nam Dong, about 15 miles (24 km) from the border with Laos. Early in the morning of July 6, 1964, the base was attacked by a large force of Vietcong. Under Captain Donlon's leadership, the two-battalion attack was repelled. Donlon received the Medal of Honor for his actions. Donlon later retired at the rank of colonel.
Sent him 2 photos on 18 Mar and got them both back signed on 30 Mar. Also included a Medal of Honor business card..
Col Roger Donlon
2101 Wilson Ave
Leavenworth, KS 66048 |
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Roger Donlon M O H Vietnam - 2016年7月25日 Roger Hugh Charles Donlon (born January 30, 1934) is a former United States Army officer. He is the first person to receive the Medal of Honor in the Vietnam War, as well as the first member of the U.S. Army Special Forces so honored.
Early in the morning of July 6, 1964, the base was attacked by a large force of Vietcong.
Capt. Donlon was serving as the commanding officer of the U.S. Army Special Forces Detachment A-726 at Camp Nam Dong when a reinforced Viet Cong battalion suddenly launched a full-scale, predawn attack on the camp. During the violent battle that ensued, lasting 5 hours and resulting in heavy casualties on both sides, Capt. Donlon directed the defense operations in the midst of an enemy barrage of mortar shells, falling grenades, and extremely heavy gunfire. Although exposed to the intense grenade attack, he then succeeded in reaching a 60mm mortar position despite sustaining a severe stomach wound as he was within 5 yards of the gun pit. When he discovered that most of the men in this gunpit were also wounded, he completely disregarded his own injury, directed their withdrawal to a location 30 meters away, and again risked his life by remaining behind and covering the movement with the utmost effectiveness. Noticing that his team sergeant was unable to evacuate the gun pit he crawled toward him and, while dragging the fallen soldier out of the gunpit, an enemy mortar exploded and inflicted a wound in Capt. Donlon's left shoulder. Although suffering from multiple wounds, he carried the abandoned 60mm mortar weapon to a new location 30 meters away where he found 3 wounded defenders. Despite his critical physical condition, he again crawled 175 meters to an 81mm mortar position and directed firing operations which protected the seriously threatened east sector of the camp. He then moved to an eastern 60mm mortar position and upon determining that the vicious enemy assault had weakened, crawled back to the gun pit with the 60mm mortar, set it up for defensive operations, and turned it over to 2 defenders with minor wounds.As the long awaited daylight brought defeat to the enemy forces and their retreat back to the jungle leaving behind 54 of their dead, many weapons, and grenades, Capt. Donlon immediately reorganized his defenses and administered first aid to the wounded.
Sent him 2 photos on 21 Mar 2015 and got both back signed on 25 Jun 2016.
Col. Roger H. C. Donlon
2101 Wilson Ave
Leavenworth, KS 66048 |
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Medal of Honor Recipient Roger Donlon Success! - 2014年4月19日 Colonel Roger Donlon - War hero who received the first Medal of Honor of the Vietnam War.
Roger Donlon
2101 Wilson Ave.
Leavenworth, KS 66048-4634
Took about 1 month.
He provided the photo and the card and also included a lovely handwritten letter thanking me for my interest and wishing me luck in school and life.
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