Lauren Bacallの直筆サイン入り写真 (英语):
Another Legend passes away, Lauren Bacall RIP - 2014年8月13日 one of the greatest actresses of all time, Lauren Bacall has passed away:
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Lauren Bacall Success!! - 2014年1月25日 I sent her my 'how to marry a millionaire' DVD cover on November 7th and got it back today signed by the great Lauren Bacall!
The photograph:
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The Great Lauren Bacall success - 2013年8月30日 Sent a handwritten LoR, 8"x10" photo, and SASE to the database address (1 West 72nd Street, NY, NY) on 8/15/13, received quickly on 8/26/13.
Such an illustrious icon of film noir, and one of the greatest actresses still living. Fascinating signature as well, she added extra letters to her name so it reads as "Llllaaauurreennnn Bbbaaacccaaaallll." Clever.
It's amusing to collect autographs, and not only amusing, but a smart investment as well. Swift responses also further appreciation of the person you are writing to.
I give you the magnificent Lauren Bacall.
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