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Thomas McClary
Thomas McClary
ギタリスト / 歌手 フォーラム
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最新のメッセージ: 2018年10月30日 >>>


Thomas McClary
6007 Beau Ln
Orlando, FL 32808-3214

6007 Beau Ln
Orlando, FL 32808-3214

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Thomas McClaryの直筆サイン入り写真 (英语):

Thomas McClary Singer Songwriter Guitarist The Commodores - 2018年10月30日
Thomas McClary was born in Eustis, Florida, in 1949. Is an American guitarist, singer, songwriter, and record producer best known as the founder and lead guitarist of The Commodores. McClary is credited with having created the signature sound of The Commodores' original music. McClary spent 15 years as the lead guitarist, songwriter, co-producer, co-arranger (along with James Carmichael) for the Commodores.. His guitar solo in the Commodores song "Easy" is a classic which earned him his first write-up in Rolling Stone Magazine and was called "one of the best solo guitar performances of all time" by writer Dave Thompson. While with the Commodores, McClary and Richie wrote thirty two of the ninety songs recorded on ten studio albums including the group's first number one single "Slippery When Wet". This innovative song became the template for the hit "Play that funky Music" by the group Wild Cherry. "Brick House","Too Hot ta Trot",and "I Feel Sanctified" are among the many songs McClary co-wrote with the Commodores as a group. The Commodores classic Jazz instrumental "Cebu" is another illustration of McClary's diversified writing styles. He sang lead on "Sexy Lady" and "Ooo Woman You" (a duet with Melissa Manchester). Songs like "Flying High", "Come Inside", "High On Sunshine", "Girl, I Think the World About You", "Midnight Magic", "12:01 A.M.", "Got To Be Together", "Wake Up Children", "Funny Feelings", "Heaven Knows", "Won't You Come Dance With Me", "Visions", "Hold On" and "Free" "Welcome Home" (with Bill Champlin), "You Don't Know That I Know", "Let's Get Started", "Time", "Captured", "Celebrate" (with Larry Davis and Harold Hudson), "Saturday Night" and "Keep On Taking Me Higher" (with Harold Hudson) Sent him 2 photos on 8 Oct and got them back signed on 30 Oct. [youtubeRDvcPuwGea8[/youtube [youtube3DSVMDmzCcA[/youtube He is on the far left on the back row [youtubeYgnMF2WehqU[/youtube Mr Thomas McClary 6007 Beau Lane Orlando, Fl 32808

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