Jason Dolleyの直筆サイン入り写真 (英语):
Jason Dolley success - 2012年8月30日 I sent Jason a letter with SASE on 23th February 2012 and today I got signed, personalized photo in my SASE.
I used address posted on his official website http://www.jasondolley.com/
Here are scans:
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Jason Dolley SUCCESS! :D - 2011年10月6日 Sent:
May 2nd 2011
2 letters (from me & my best friend)
Somewhere between Sept 5th & October 5th
2 autographs 1 for me, and another for my best friend, and a green cardboard (Im guessing so it wont bend)
It came in my SAE!!
I was so happy to see this one! Its my first professional autograph. I call it professional because its the kind that is made to be given out, with the characters name & the disney channel logo and all :p
BUUUUUUT, he misspelled my name He wrote rerro instead of reero.
Pic: http://i56.tinypic.com/23u4j8w.jpg
Envelope: http://i54.tinypic.com/t80jz7.jpg
Thank you Jason Dolley, and thank you fanmail.biz <3 |   |
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