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Michael Huey
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最新のメッセージ: 2018年9月24日 >>>


Michael Huey
10849 Huston Street
Unit 4
North Hollywood, CA 91601-4617


10849 Huston Street
Unit 4
North Hollywood, CA 91601-4617

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Michael Hueyの直筆サイン入り写真 (英语):

J. Michael Huey Dummer music producer - 2018年9月24日
J. Michael Huey (born October 24, 1950) is an American drummer and producer, earning 18 Gold / Platinum Top Ten Awards. He has played with a diverse group of artists in genres including Rock/Pop/Country/R&B such as Glenn Frey, Joe Walsh, Juice Newton, Etta James, and Lindsey Buckingham to name a few. Huey is also noted for his work on film and television soundtracks as well as numerous world tours with Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Inductees. He has also worked as a record producer for major record labels including MCA and Warner Bros. Michael Huey started playing the drums while in high school playing in successful regional bands in Georgia most notably The Kenningtons and 8-Up With Soul who performed at local dance clubs and small venues. In 1969 the Atlanta music manager Johnny Bee encouraged Huey to audition for the pop singer Tommy Roe whose song "Dizzy" had become a worldwide hit that year. The audition was a success and Roe, who was signed to the Bill Lowery Organization, hired Huey to play drums on his national ‘Dizzy’ tour. After the 'Dizzy' tour had ended Huey returned to playing smaller venues. The saxophone player Grainger “Brother” Hines of The Swingin' Medallions ("Double Shot of My Baby's Love") was in an Atlanta bar where Huey was performing and invited Huey to play drums for The Swingin' Medallions; Huey accepted and replaced Ron Nobles. The Swingin' Medallions were also represented by Bill Lowery. In 1981, the producer and arranger Jim Ed Norman hired Huey to play drums on Glenn Frey's (The Eagles) first solo album, No Fun Aloud, which produced the Top 10 hits "Party Town" and "I Found Somebody". Huey continued to work with Frey for the next twelve years providing the drums on all of his solo records including the hits "Smuggler’s Blues" and "You Belong to the City" from the album The Allnighter. Both tracks were featured on the NBC television series Miami Vice as well as appearing on the Miami Vice soundtrack album which stayed at #1 on the Billboard charts for eleven weeks in 1985. The soundtrack sold over five million copies and won two Grammy Awards making it the most successful TV soundtrack album of all time. Sent 2 photos on 1 Sep and got them back signed 24 Sep. [youtube57s89xrC93o[/youtube [youtubej4ueaD22hg8[/youtube Mr J. Michael Huey c/o Huey Tunes 10849 Houston St. Unit 4 North Hollywood, CA 91601

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