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Donna Loren
Donna Loren
女優 / 女歌手 フォーラム
別名: それを加えなさい 皆様のご意見をお寄せ下さい
生年月日: 1947年3月7日
電子メールアドレス: それを加えなさい
最新のメッセージ: 2019年1月23日 >>>


Donna Loren
PO Box 2008
Idyllwild, CA 92549

PO Box 2008
Idyllwild, CA 92549

Donna Lorenに、ファンとして手紙やサインをお願いする場合の送付方法を教えて下さい。

サインを要求する場合、下記のガイドラインをお読み下さい。 上記の住所へ手紙を出し、返信を必要とされない場合は、この続きをお読み頂く必要はありません。 アメリカ合衆国ドイツ内にお住まいの方は、切手がきちんと貼ってあるかどうかやご自身の住所が記載されているか、更に、あなたのリクエストの手紙と写真が入っているかをご確認の上、ご送付下さい。(封書は最小11cmx22cmかそれ同等のサイズにてお願い致します。) 配達の段階で写真が折れないように、厚紙を一緒に封書に入れて頂いても構いません。その際、封筒には『Do Not Bend』(屈折禁止)と記入して下さい。返事は、大抵3ヶ月以降に届くことが多いようですのでしばらくお待ち下さい。
国際返信切手券は、受取人がアメリカ合衆国の切手を購入する際に使用されます。 国際返信切手券は、お近くの郵便局で購入することが出来ます。国際返信切手券は、封筒に貼るのではなく、同封して下さい。 国際返信切手券に関して更に詳しくお知りになりたい方は、こちらをご覧下さい。

Donna Lorenの直筆サイン入り写真 (英语):

Donna Loren Dr. Pepper Girl Awesome Success! - 2019年1月23日
Ms. Donna Loren was Dr. Pepper Girl where she played in commercials advertising Dr. Pepper. She sang in the Mickey Mouse Club. Also she sang songs Love’s A Secret Weapon, Among the Young, Muscle Bustle, and It Only Hurts When I Cry in some beach movies. On 12/31/2018 I mailed a letter explaining how I find Ms. Loren's work in music to be very inspiring to me, $25 as a donation, a Q+A sheet, and an SASE envelope at Ms. Donna Loren P.O. Box 2008 Idyllwild, CA 92549 (took about 4 weeks) On 1/23/2019 I received a personalize message on a picture of her and she took the time to answer some of my Q+A sheet. Here is the link:

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Donna Loren Actress Singer - 2018年12月4日
Donna Loren (born March 7, 1947) is an American singer and actress. A prolific performer in the 1960s, she was the "Dr Pepper Girl" from 1963 to 1968, featured female vocalist on Shindig, and a cast member of the American International Pictures Beach Party movie franchise. She was signed to Capitol Records in 1964, releasing several singles and the Beach Blanket Bingo LP soundtrack, which included her signature song "It Only Hurts When I Cry". Loren guest starred on episodic television series including Dr. Kildare, Batman, and The Monkees, as well as appearing regularly on network and local variety and music shows. In 1968, Loren retired from her career to marry and raise a family. She recorded again in the 1980s and ran her own fashion business, ADASA Hawaii, throughout the 1990-2000s. In 2009, she returned to performing, and her most recent releases include the album Love It Away (2010) and the EP Donna Does Elvis in Hawaii (2010), as well as the compilation These Are the Good Times: The Complete Capitol Recordings (2014). Her first book, Pop Sixties: Shindig!, Dick Clark, Beach Party, and Photographs from the Donna Loren Archive, was released in 2017. Sent her 2 photos on 16 Nov and got them back signed on 4 Dec. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J50FNmU ... rt_radio=1 video video Ms Donna Loren P.O. Box 2008 Idyllwild, CA 92549

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Donna Loren Success - 2018年8月31日
I wrote to Donna Loren and received a response in less than a week. Donna Loren DonnaLoren.com P.O. Box 2008 Idyllwild, CA 92549 http://surfmypictures.com/image/6f0e02b ... 7a5qm.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/6f0e02b ... 8wxu1.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/6f0e02b ... q6y8y.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/6f0e02b ... ekkc7.html

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