Toledo Walleyeの直筆サイン入り写真 (英语):
Spike and CatTrick Success (Toledo Walleye) - 2019年3月31日 I sent a email to coleary at and I got two signed cards from Spike and CatTrick!
I sent the email on 2/26/19 and I got two cards back on 3/1/19! <<arrow$ <<arrow$ |
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Spike - Toledo Walleye Mascot Success + Bonus - 2013年1月15日 I have a collection of mascot autographs from all various sports and I received one from the Toledo Walleye mascot Spike. All I did was send an email to them and ask if I could get an autograph from Spike, included my mailing address, and I received this in the mail. The website address is
They also sent me two additional autographs from the Toledo Mudhens mascots Muddy & Muddonna.
Email Sent - 1/8/13
Received - 1/14/13
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