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Buzz Cason
歌手 フォーラム
別名: それを加えなさい 皆様のご意見をお寄せ下さい
生年月日: 1939年11月27日
電子メールアドレス: それを加えなさい
最新のメッセージ: 2020年6月22日 >>>


Buzz Cason
Giving In Faith Together, Inc.
2804 Azalea Pl
Nashville, TN 37204-3118


Giving In Faith Together, Inc.
2804 Azalea Pl
Nashville, TN 37204-3118
電話: (615) 383-8682

Buzz Casonに、ファンとして手紙やサインをお願いする場合の送付方法を教えて下さい。

サインを要求する場合、下記のガイドラインをお読み下さい。 上記の住所へ手紙を出し、返信を必要とされない場合は、この続きをお読み頂く必要はありません。 アメリカ合衆国ドイツ内にお住まいの方は、切手がきちんと貼ってあるかどうかやご自身の住所が記載されているか、更に、あなたのリクエストの手紙と写真が入っているかをご確認の上、ご送付下さい。(封書は最小11cmx22cmかそれ同等のサイズにてお願い致します。) 配達の段階で写真が折れないように、厚紙を一緒に封書に入れて頂いても構いません。その際、封筒には『Do Not Bend』(屈折禁止)と記入して下さい。返事は、大抵3ヶ月以降に届くことが多いようですのでしばらくお待ち下さい。
国際返信切手券は、受取人がアメリカ合衆国の切手を購入する際に使用されます。 国際返信切手券は、お近くの郵便局で購入することが出来ます。国際返信切手券は、封筒に貼るのではなく、同封して下さい。 国際返信切手券に関して更に詳しくお知りになりたい方は、こちらをご覧下さい。

Buzz Casonの直筆サイン入り写真 (英语):

Music's James "Buzz" Cason additional address (Buzz Cason) - 2020年6月22日
Additional address for him Deb Grisham Entertainment P.O. Box 1022 Fairview, TN 37062 Sent 6-6-20 Recd 6-22-20 Recd signed 3x5 index card Return address is listed at 2804 Azalea Pl in Nashville, TN this address has been reported to work as well So I would say either address is good. http://surfmypictures.com/image/3305749f6820ee26/qnpfh.html

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Buzz Cason Singer Songwriter - 2020年6月5日
James E. "Buzz" Cason (born November 27, 1939 in Nashville, Tennessee, United States) is an American rock singer, songwriter, record producer, and author. He was a founding member of The Casuals, Nashville's first rock and roll band. Together with Richard Williams and Hugh Jarrett of The Jordanaires he recorded as The Statues for Liberty. In 1960, Cason started a solo career under the pseudonym Garry Miles, and had a number 16 hit in 1960 with "Look for a Star" His biggest hit as a writer, with Mac Gayden, was the song "Everlasting Love". Recorded originally by American Robert Knight, the UK’s Love Affair cover version was a number one hit there in January 1968. His 1962 song, "Soldier of Love" - a co-write - was covered by The Beatles, Live at the BBC. Cason was also a backing singer for Elvis Presley and Kenny Rogers. In 1970, he founded 'Creative Workshop', a recording studio, where Dolly Parton, Jerry Reed, Merle Haggard, The Judds, The Doobie Brothers, Emmylou Harris, and Olivia Newton-John recorded material. Since the mid-1980s he has his own rockabilly-styled group, 'B.C. & the Dartz' who released some albums. Cason is still writing and producing songs. His book, Living the Rock'N'Roll Dream: The Adventures of Buzz Cason (2004), is about music, freedom, and adventure and sheds light on the events and careers that shaped the early days of rock and roll. Singing under the name Garry Miles [youtube1oFo_qCp7bc[/youtube Co-Wrote [youtubeJaYTNsS_m2w[/youtube Co - Wrote [youtubeGrT3PX2kgiI[/youtube Sent him 2 photos on 20 May and got them back signed on 5 Jun. Signed them Buzz Cason.. On one he signed .. All The Best Buzz Cason aka Garry Miles Mr James Buzz Cason 2804 Azalea Pl. Nashville, TN 37204-3118

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