Raphael Lessardの直筆サイン入り写真 (英语):
Raphael Lessard NASCAR Success - 2022年8月14日 Sent LOR, SASE, 2TC to Raphael Lessard on 7/8/22. Got them back signed today.
Raphael Lessard
1408 Route Kennedy
St-Joseph, Quebec, Canada G0S2V0
http://surfmypictures.com/image/3305749f6820ee26/jp4m2.html |
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Raphael Lessard NASCAR Success - 2022年3月25日 Sent LOR, SASE, TC to Raphael Lessard on 2/23/22. Got it back signed today.
Raphael Lessard
1408 Route Kennedy
St-Joseph, Quebec, Canada G0S2V0
http://surfmypictures.com/image/3305749f6820ee26/971xi.html |  |
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Raphael Lessard NASCAR Success - 2021年8月18日 Sent LOR, SASE, TC to Raphael Lessard on 7/20/21. Got it back signed today.
Raphael Lessard
1408 Route Kennedy
St-Joseph, Quebec, Canada G0S2V0
http://surfmypictures.com/image/3305749f6820ee26/8n8n5.html |  |
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