Gloria Estefanの直筆サイン入り写真 (英语):
Gloria Estefan Failure - November 2021-October 2022 - 2022年10月21日
Almost an entire year has gone by and still have not received my photo back! Followed instructions to a T back in November 2021. I owned an original publicity 8" photo from 1989 which I stupidly decided to send in for an autograph, enclosed it in a SASE with proper backing - sent to her Estafan Enterprises address and I haven't received anything back (as of October 2022). What a huge disappointment! I can see not returning something if you don't include a photo or proper postage, but come on. I had everything meticulously packaged and labelled. |
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Gloria Estefan Success - 2022年7月27日 Sent April 2022 lor ssae 2 photos
RCVD 27/7/22 Both photos back signed & dedicated in my ssae and a beautiful handwritten note about my letter
39 Star Island Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 |   |
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Gloria Estefan - 2022年7月22日 |  |
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