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Guillermo Del Toro
Guillermo Del Toro
映画監督 / 脚本家 フォーラム
別名: それを加えなさい 皆様のご意見をお寄せ下さい
生年月日: 1964年10月9日
電子メールアドレス: それを加えなさい
最新のメッセージ: 2012年5月20日 >>>


Guillermo Del Toro
Exile Entertainment
732 El Medio Avenue
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272-3451


Exile Entertainment
732 El Medio Avenue
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272-3451
電話: (310) 573-1523
ファクシミリ: (310) 573-0109

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Guillermo Del Toroの直筆サイン入り写真 (英语):

To Guillermo Del Toro-I think Hiccup should die in HTTYD3 - 2014年8月9日
To Guillermo Del Toro Exile Entertainment 1223 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 593 Santa Monica, CA 90403 USA All I can say, (spoilers are in white) is killing off Stoick was the best choice you could make for that movie. I want Hiccup to slowly die from Drago's blows in a swordfight to the death. But not because I dislike Hiccup. It's because Hiccup and Toothless dying together would bring this franchise from a fairy tale with mythological elements, to a myth in and of itself. Pompeii is the true story of people who were victimized by a volcano. But the examples of heroism weren't created by the people who died. It's the ones who chose to live life to the fullest, knowing they can't be saved. It's the ones who made use of limited time to care for others. This dog is the epitome of that idea. He chose to care about his owner and die with him, even though he could have easily escaped. Toothless can be the dog of Pompeii for cinema. I am working on an elaborate original treatment of HTYYD3, because I care about not just Hiccup and Toothless, but Berk itself. I want Hiccup as a leader to directly affect the legacy of Berk. But part of that means, as "the Alpha" he'll have to sacrifice something (as indicated by HTYYD2's themes). I don't think it should be Astrid, and it would be too tragic to sacrifice Toothless. Therefore, to defend everything close to him, he should sacrifice himself. And both Hiccup and Toothless should die together, with Hiccup wrapped around Toothless' wing, and Hiccup embracing his old friend for the last time with both of his arms. Parents would be upset. Some children would be upset. But don't make produce HTYYD3 for the children. Produce HTYYD3 for the teenagers who grew up from the first movie, who want a timeless symbol of sacrifice and heroism. Keep in mind, a 6 year old who watched the first movie in theaters would be about 12 or 13 when this movie comes out. That's Lord of the Rings/Harry Potter/Star Wars age, and those films are filled with tragedy and death. They will be able to handle this element of storytelling. Letting Drago lose in a battle that he has an advantage in (swordfighting is more about footwork than blows) is a cheat to the internal logic of the HTYYD universe. This world has unhealable wounds and death. Hiccup shouldn't have a free victory with his limp foot. Therefore, Drago must "win", and be defeated promptly (I think Astrid should kill him). Hiccup needs to become a true viking. He should experience all the hardships that Berk experiences, and pass with flying colors. And having done that, he should die with honor with his very best friend along side him. Do this, even if it means the MPAA will slap a PG-13 on a "cutesy" movie. It's the boldness of the past How To Train Your Dragon movies that have connected with adults. Don't settle. Go for a "Return of the King" rather than a "Return of the Jedi". Movies are dreams. Myths are stories that transcend time. Encourage Deblois to make a mythic movie, and capture the dreams of kids and adults alike. I know you will make the right choice. God Bless- A fan of Berk PS. Get Chris Sanders back on the Dragon train. Nobody does beauty like he does <img src=

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Guillermo Del Toro Success! - 2012年5月20日
So happy about this! My favorite director! Sent to: Exile Entertainment 732 El Medio Avenue Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 about a month ago, recieved this today. From what I can tell it looks authentic, opinions would be appreciated. - - - <img src=

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