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Carl Hiaasen
Carl Hiaasen
作家 フォーラム
別名: それを加えなさい 皆様のご意見をお寄せ下さい
生年月日: 1953年3月12日
電子メールアドレス: それを加えなさい
最新のメッセージ: 2017年8月2日 >>>


Carl Hiaasen
Miami Herald Media Company
3511 NW 91 Avenue
Miami, FL 33172


Miami Herald Media Company
3511 NW 91 Avenue
Miami, FL 33172
電話: (305) 376-3530


Carl Hiaasen
Penguin Random House
1745 Broadway
New York, NY 10019


Penguin Random House
1745 Broadway
New York, NY 10019
電話: (212) 751-2600
ファクシミリ: (212) 572-6066


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Carl Hiaasenの直筆サイン入り写真 (英语):

Carl Hiaasen Success - 2017年8月2日
Sent: LOR, book and SASE on 7-03-17 Received: Book inscribed, personalized and signed on 8/2/17 Address used: Carl Hiaasen c/o Miami Herald 3511 NW 91st. Ave Miami, FL 33172

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Carl Hiaasen Author - 2017年5月27日
Carl Hiaasen (/?ha?.?s?n/; born March 12, 1953) is an American journalist, columnist, and novelist. He was a reporter at Cocoa Today (Cocoa, Florida) for two years before being hired in 1976 by the Miami Herald, where he worked for the city desk, Sunday magazine and investigative team. Since 1985 Hiaasen has been a regular columnist for the newspaper. His columns have been collected in three published volumes, Kick Ass (1999), Paradise Screwed (2001) and Dance of the Reptiles (2014), all edited by Diane Stevenson. In 2005, Hiaasen was the subject of a "60 Minutes" profile by Steve Kroft.After becoming an investigative reporter, Hiaasen began writing novels in his spare time. His first three were co-authored with his friend and fellow journalist William Montalbano: Powder Burn (1981), Trap Line (1982), and A Death in China (1984). His first solo novel, Tourist Season (1986), featured a group of ragged eco-warriors who kidnap the Orange Bowl Queen in Miami. The book's main character was whimsically memorialized by Jimmy Buffett in a song called "The Ballad of Skip Wiley." In all, eighteen of Hiaasen's novels and nonfiction books have appeared on the New York Times Best Seller lists. His work has been translated into 34 languages. Hiaasen also co-wrote three songs with his good friend and famed L.A. rocker, the late Warren Zevon. "Rottweiler Blues" and "Seminole Bingo" appeared on Zevon's Mutineer album in 1995. The third song they wrote together, "Basket Case," was done in conjunction with Hiaasen's novel of the same name, and appeared in 2001 on Zevon's album My Ride's Here. Sent him his book Basket Case on 8 May and got it back signed on 27 May. Mr Carl Hiaason c/o The Miami Herald 3511 NW 91st Ave. Miami, FL 33172

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Author Carl Hiaasen Success - 2014年8月16日
Hey! Yesterday, Carl Hiaasen sent me a signed letter! I sent an LOR in early June. Picture (photo is cut off): - Address on Envelope: - So happy!

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