Bill Daily Success - 2014年8月14日 Sent a fan letter and SASE(no photo) to Bill Daily at the address in the database on about August 1st. Got this signed photo back on August 12th. Great turnaround, enjoyed his appearances on Match Game. ... nglwx.html
Bill Daily fast success (Jeannie, Bob Newhart Show) - 2014年6月22日 Sent sase, (2) 4x6 photos, lor to Mr Daily on 6/14 and received 6/21. Both personalized.
Bill Daily
1331 Park Ave SW
Unit 801
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Unable to scan
Bill Daily success - 2014年5月18日 Sent a LOR, a photo and SASE on 5/6/2014
Received photo signed and personalized on 5/16/2014
Address used:
Bill Daily
1331 Park Ave. SW #801
Albuquerque, NM 87102
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