Randy Travisの直筆サイン入り写真 (英语):
Randy Travis Success - 2024年3月13日 I wrote to Mr. Travis on 01/27/2024 and heard back on 03/12/2024
Randy Travis
266 Blanks Road
Tioga Texas 76271-2317
Please note that I sent him 4 pictures but he only signed 1
http://surfmypictures.com/image/30e2aea4e1f913cb/vny9o.html |
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Randy Travis Success - 2022年3月2日 Sent SASE to Randy Travis 266 Blanks Rd Tioga Texas 76271-2317 (NOTE ADDRESS CHANGE) on 2/17/22. Received personalized card back on 3/1/22.
http://surfmypictures.com/image/10addbe922eaa047/8zg19.html |  |
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Randy Travis - 2014年10月18日 I sent a letter to Randy Travis on 10/7/14 to
Randy Travis
c/o Elizabeth Travis Management LLC
P.O. Box 121137
Nashville, TN 37212
And it got send back to me 10/18/14 |
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