Marion Cotillardの直筆サイン入り写真 (英语):
Marion Cotillard - RTS - 2017年6月1日 Sent on 2nd May 2017 - Returned 01st June 2017
Reason ticked on returns label - Addressee unknown at marked address
- photo of returned envelope |
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Marion Cotillard - 2015年10月26日 Request TTM via her artistic agent (Jeanna François - Agence ADEQUAT) on 13/10/2015
Photo personalized received on 23/10/2015 ... x5wbv.html ... 3oniw.html |
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Marion Cotillard success! - 2014年8月11日 Sent: July 07, 2014
Received: August 11, 2014
Used this address:
Marion Cotillard
108, Rue Rèaumur
75002 Paris
Sent a letter, 2 8x10 photos and a SASE.
Received my photos back personalized!
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