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Aaron Pointerの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Aaron Pointer Baseball, N F L Offical - 2022年3月14日
Aaron Elton Pointer (born April 19, 1942) is an American retired baseball player. He played in the major leagues for the Houston Colt .45's/Astros in 1963 and again in 1966–67. After his baseball career, he was a National Football League official. He is also known for being the brother of the four sisters who form the Pointer Sisters singing group. From 1978 to 1987, Pointer officiated for the Pacific-10 Conference, eventually becoming a head linesman. He is also the first African American referee in the Pac-10. In 1987, Pointer joined the National Football League as a head linesman wearing uniform number 79. He retired from the NFL after the 2003 season, but he continues to serve as a game-day observer for the NFL. Sent him a card and a photo on 3 Mar, and got them back signed on 14 Mar. Mr Aaron Pointer 4902 N Scenic View Ln. Tacoma, WA 98407

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