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Adam Ferraraの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Adam Ferrara success - 2014年3月18日
On 3-1 I sent him a lor and sase and today ( 3-18) I received in my SASE 2 color top gear signed and inscribed photos.I used the conversation company address from the database. No scanner

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Adam Ferrara - Top Gear USA - Awesome Success!! - 2014年2月3日
On 1 10 2014 I sent a SASE, a LOR and a cutom index card to Mr. Ferrara for my son who is a big fan of his TV show Top Gear, and on 2 3 2014 we got back an awesome response. Mr. Ferrara autographed two 8x10 double sided photos and he also signed and sent my son a Top Gear baseball cap! Awesome! Thanks Mr. Ferrara! address used: c/o The Conversation Co., LTD 1044 Northern Boulevard Suite 304 Roslyn, NY. 11576 - 1589 - - - -

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Adam Ferrara - actor - 2013年3月25日
Name: Adam Ferrara Sent: january 2013 (email) Received: january 2013 (2 photos + publicity) Address: The Conversation Co., Ltd. 1044 Northern Boulevard, suite 304 Roslyn, New York 11576-1589 Usa email: { Email Address } web: http://www.adamferrara.com Photos: - -

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