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Adam Savageの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Adam Savage Success - 2018年3月15日
Sent LOR, SASE, photos to: Adam Savage Tested Mailbag 2261 Market St. #377 San Francisco, CA 94114 Great success that took about two months. http://surfmypictures.com/image/4b4c99a ... tzqjs.html Check out my other successes at http://www.gridironshowcase.weebly.com

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Adam Savage Success! - 2018年3月14日
I wasn't sure I was going to receive this, I thought it might have gotten lost in the post, but it arrived today! I sent it on 22nd July 2017, and received it back today, 14th March 2018. I know it's a bit weird to send a photo of Adam dressed as Totoro but it means a lot to me. I sent to the Tested Mailbag, CA 94114, USA address. Confusingly my address was cut out of the envelope I sent and attached to a new envelope, I don't know why. Regardless, I love it. Photo:

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Adam Savage (MythBusters) Success - 2017年7月11日
I grew up watching MythBusters, so I thought I should write to Mr. Savage to see if I could get his autograph. Sent a LOR, SASE, and 4x6 photo to Adam Savage on 6/25/17. Received my photo back signed in a different envelope on 7/11/17. Address used: Adam Savage c/0 Tested Mailbag 2261 Market St #377 San Francisco, CA 94114 Sent: 6/25/17 Received: 7/11/17 Picture:

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The Mythbusters Success! (Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman) - 2011年5月20日
Sent: November 17, 2010 Received: May 20 2011 Received: -A 7x5 photo of Adam and Jamie, autographed by both. -A letter The total package - The Letter - The Autographs - M5 Industries 1268 Missouri Street San Francisco, CA 94107-3310 USA Took a looong time, but worth it <img src=

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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