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Adrian Fernandezの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Adrian fernandez Email Success - 2012年5月1日
Sent a email to Adrian Fernadez Pr People Via His website And they sent me 2 autograph pictures from international Auto Racing Star Adrian fernadez and they sent a hat as well. sent the email about one month ago and got it in today. you can find the contact info on his website. great success. sorry i dont have a scan of the fedex envelope and other stuff that i got in today My most recent success: Dick Van Dyke, Sarah Hagan (email) Adrian Fernadez (email) Arian Foster (email) My most Favorite Autograph of all time: Leann Rimes Still Waiting on over 200 Request to possibly come in since december 2011

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Adrian Fernandez email success - 2011年10月15日
see the photo & the envelope here: http://autographvip.blogspot.com/2011/1 ... xican.html address on the envelope: Adrian Fernandez Fernández Racing 6815 Guion Rd. Suite 100 Indianapolis, IN 46268 USA autograph received 20 days after my email request

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