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Ahmed Bestの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Star Wars jar jar binks Amazing Success (Ahmed Best) - 2019年12月20日
I wrote to Ahmed Best and got an amazing response and he said he loves mail and signs anything people send him. Very Very cool guy This is the address I used. Ahmed Best 4544 Melbourne Ave Los Angeles, CA 90027-4410

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Ahmed Best Star Wars Fan Club RTS - 2015年5月27日
Hi I sent a letter to Ahmed Best - he played Jar Jar in Star Wars Phantom Menace . I sent my letter to the Star Wars Fan Club and came back as an RTS. I though that the Star Wars Fan Club would work . and it didn't . I also wrote a letter to the address in the database I still am waiting . Have not really seen any recent successes for Ahmed Best - Ahmed Best c/0 Star Wars Fan Club P.O. Box 111000 Aurora, CO 80042 USA I had a feeling it was not going to work I just wanted to give it a chance and see what would happen .

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