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Alan Jacksonの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 4ページ):

Country Music - Alan Jackson Success - 2024年3月26日
Sent two 8x10's to address below on 12/7/23 and received both back with one signed on 3/23/24. Alan Jackson Fan Club. P.O. Box 1955. Brentwood, TN 37024

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Alan Jackson Rts - 2022年7月30日
Mailed to Po Box on here and it came back 'return to sender, unable to forward' 1/29

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Alan Jackson SUCCESS! - 2020年5月18日
On 4/24/20 I sent a letter and SASE to Alan Jackson, I'm pretty certain I used the address below: Alan Jackson P.O. Box 1955 Brentwood, TN 37024 And today on 5/18/20 I received the photo I sent autographed and even personalized with my name! Super exciting!

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Denise Jackson Author - wife of Alan Jackson - 2017年6月20日
Denise Jackson was born in 1960 in Newnan, Georgia, USA. She has been married to Alan Jackson since December 15, 1979. They have three children. Former flight attendant and elementary school teacher. She and her husband, Alan Jackson, were high school sweethearts. They met at a Dairy Queen in their hometown of Newnan, Georgia in 1976 (she was 16 years old). Grew up in Newnan, Georgia. Loves playing tennis and is an avid student of the Bible. Father was mailman. Was cheerleader and homecoming queen in high school. Release of her book, "It's All About Him: Finding the Love of My Life" by Denise with Ellen Vaughn. Sent Ms Jackson her book "It's All About Him" on 23 Dec '16 and got it back signed on 19 Jun this year.. In my letter I asked if it was possible to have her husband sign the book too.. and YEP, his autograph was also on the page.. Ms Denise Jackson c/o Alan Jackson Fan Club PO Box 1955 Brentwood, TN 37024

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Alan Jackson / Denise Jackson Return - 2016年9月3日
Sent a book that Denise Jackson wrote about her and Alan to get her autograph on it and hopefully his too.. It came back Return to Sender... Sent it too: Ms Denise Jackson c/o Alan Jackson Real World Tours PO Box 121945 Nashville, TN 37212-1945

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