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Alan Rickmanの直筆サイン入り写真 (6 / 7ページ):

Alan Rickman Success! - 2011年6月15日
Sent 2 photo, LOR and SAE to: Alan Rickman, Independent Talent Group Ltd on the 10th of Janauary 2011 . Received a reply on the 15th of June, including one photo, personalised and signed! Absolutely delighted with his, hes my favourite actor! <img src= Photo: http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/5356/dsc03040l.jpg Envelope & Compliments slip: http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/566/dsc03041bz.jpg

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Alan Rickman Feedback - 2011年6月14日
Id like to add a picture of the envelope I received today. -

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Alan Rickman Feedback - 2011年6月14日
6/14/11 -Today, after 5 month, I came home and found the envelope Ive sent to Mr Alan Rickman with a dedicated signed photo. Im so happy. Ive sent the photo and SASE to: Alan Rickman Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK -

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Alan Rickman Succes (: - 2011年6月11日
Special Thanks to Mr. Rickman & fanmail.biz ! <img src= Alan Rickman Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK sent: 06.01.2011 - rcvd: 11.06.2011 (one of two images signed back !) - Source (Wallpaper): fanpop

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Alan Rickman Success and failure - 2011年5月11日
I sent this letter on April 7 2011 and received it on May 11. I received a sorry note. As this is the first reply I have ever received I am very happy with what I have gotten and will try again sometime soon. <img src= This reply came very quickly. I have heard that he likes to sign photos himself and is a very fast replier. I used this address Alan Rickman Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK What I received: I got an unsigned photo back and a letter from his secretary explaining the reasons why he could not signed it. He is busy working on his latest project with Colin Firth and Cameron Diaz. Although he is in the UK the filming schedule is such that it is not possible to send an autograph. - -

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