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Allan Hydeの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Allan Hyde (Trueblood) Success!!! - 2016年4月11日
On 03/25/2015 I sent a letter, one picture, and a self addressed stamped envelope to: Allan Hyde Team Players Vognmagergade 10 1.th 1120 Copenhagen K. Denmark On 04/11/2016 I received two signed pictures and a note (not in my SASE)!!!

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Allan Hyde - "Godric" from True Blood - tripple success - 2014年4月18日
Sent: August 5th, 2013 Got: April 17th, 2014 used the danish address you can see the three autographs on please like my page if you like it

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Allan Hyde Godric from True Blood Cool success! - 2012年4月5日
Hello all! I wrote to Allan Hyde on September 5th 2011. I sent LOR, SAE, and 3 US dollars for postage. I wrote to Allan Hyde Team Players Carit Etlars Vej 3, 1. Th. Frederiksberg 1814 Denmark Recieved today April 5 2012, 2 pics signed and a note apologizing for the delay. Awesome! I had really wanted this success! Note - By ###://profile.imageshack.us/user/hmmhelp:hmmhelp at 2012-04-05 - By ###://profile.imageshack.us/user/hmmhelp:hmmhelp at 2012-04-05 Front - By ###://profile.imageshack.us/user/hmmhelp:hmmhelp at 2012-04-05 Back - By ###://profile.imageshack.us/user/hmmhelp:hmmhelp at 2012-04-05 Envelope -

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Allan Hyde Success!!!!!! - 2011年6月20日
Sent: LOR/SASE/2 IRCs on April 4, 2011 Received: Signed picture/note on June 20, 2011 Address Used: Allan Hyde Team Players Carit Etlars Vej 3, 1. Th. Frederiksberg 1814 Denmark - - -

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