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Amanda Seyfriedの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 49ページ):

Amanda Seyfried RTS - 2017年4月8日
I sent a fan mail to Amanda Seyfried. But it was returned. Do you have any other address? sent?March 9th 2017 Received?April 6th 2017 Address Used? Ms.Amanda Seyfried Mailbox Pack?Ship PMB 216 3140 Tilghman Street Suite B Allentown,PA 18104 USA

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Amanda Seyfried RTS - 2017年4月6日
Amanda Seyfried RTS? sent?March 9th 2017 Received?April 6th 2017 Address Used? Ms.Amanda Seyfried Mailbox Pack?Ship PMB 216 3140 Tilghman Street Suite B Allentown,PA 18104 USA

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Amanda Seyfried - Success - 2017年3月27日
This was my third attempt to get Ms Seyfrieds autograph. The previous two envelopes to the address in the data base were returned as not delivered. I did see some people getting a revert so inspite of two returns I decided to try one last third time to the same address. I had sent this letter in the month of November 2016. Finally i got 4 pictures signed by her and two are personalised. The address on the envelope which i had written of Mailbox Pack and Ship as in the data base has been cancelled on the envelope so i presume this address wont be valid for some time. http://surfmypictures.com/image/e472c0b ... n0zbk.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/e472c0b ... mv5n6.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/e472c0b ... 24q7c.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/e472c0b ... eyqgf.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/e472c0b ... 64cwb.html Congratulations Ms Seyfried on the birth of your daughter. God Bless.

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Amanda Seyfried success - 2016年8月27日
Received signed photo of Amanda Seyfried using this address : Amanda Seyfried Mailbox Pack & Ship PMB 216 3140 Tilghman Street Suite B Allentown, PA 18104 USA Sent 20-11-2015 with Included IRC Received 13-08-2016 with my IRC not used ! http://surfmypictures.com/image/c363d52 ... g8i71.html

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AMANDA SEYFRIED - Success - Thank You - You're Great!!! - 2016年8月22日
Sent : 19/11/16 Received : 22/08/16 I sent a letter and a reply coupon to AMANDA SEYFRIED Mailbox Pack & Ship PMB 216 3140 Tilghman Street Suite B Allentown, PA 18104

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