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Amber Chaneyの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 3ページ):

Amber Chaney (The Hunger Games) success! - 2013年3月5日
Helloooo, After another dry spell, Ive started sending out more requests and Ive finally gotten another reply, woo! I sent a LOR, an SASE and 2 photos to Amber Chaney in October. I used the database address. I got both of my photos back on the 5th March, one was personally signed while the other was just her signature! Theres a message, it says Dear Jess, thanks for putting me in your collection. Haha my camera is awful, Im so sorry! Thank you! <img src= - -

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ACTRESS Amber Chaney - SUCCESS - 2012年6月5日
Date Send: 20/03/2012 Date Received: 05/06/2012 Sent : 2 PHOTOS 10x15 + LETTRE + ENVELOPPE RETURN whith no stamp Received : MY 2 photos 10x15 signed and personalized whith my ENVELOPPE RETURN It is about an original autograph on a photo. I compared the autograph with the other members and autographs are any various. Have a look here : http://www.mp22.book.fr ----------- TAKE TIME TO LOOK AT MY PHOTOS AND LEAVE I A SMALL MESSAGE. THANK YOU. KISSES IN YOU ALL. Discover my FACEBOOK page with all my autographs : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Le-monde- ... 8759012214 - FAN MAIL : Amber Chaney c/o Atlanta Models & Talent, Inc. 3091 Maple Drive NE -Suite 320 Atlanta GA 30305 USA

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Amber Chaney personalised success x2! (The Hunger Games) - 2012年4月12日
I received a huge success from Amber Chaney! <img src= She signed and personalised my photos AND included a small handwritten note in which she tells me that she learned german in highschool and that she would like to visit Germany sometime <img src= - - Adress used: Amber Chaney c/o Atlanta Models & Talent, Inc. 3091 Maple Drive NE Suite 320 Atlanta GA 30305 USA Sent: 1st March 2012, LOR, SASE, two photos Received: 4th April 2012, my two photos signed and a small handwritten note Thank you Mrs Chaney and a special thank you to RyanJ! <img src= It was his amazing success which told me the adress <img src= Thanks! <img src= Sparkly ?

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Amber Chaney success - 2012年4月7日
Hello all, Today I got a success from Amber Chaney sent: LOR SASE, on April 2nd received: A autographed photo and letter but she didnt use my sase Amber Chaney C/o Atlanta Models & Talent, Inc. 3091 Maple Drive NE, Suite 320 Atlanta, GA 30305 -

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Amber Chaney - The Hunger Games - success - 2012年4月3日
MY FIRST HUNGER GAMES SUCCESS!! my week continues to be good so far! Sent: March 2012 Received: April 3, 2012 took 3ish weeks - less then a month. i sent just my letter .. she sent a letter, autographed picture and paid for envelope/postage She actually read my letter that I sent her cause the letter she wrote back to me mentioned alot of the things I had put in mine! it was amazing! One thing about the picture/autograph. its on plain computer printer paper.. so it got bent in the envelope while going through the mail. Address used: Amber Chaney c/o Atlanta Models & Talent INC 3091 Maple Drive, NE Suite 320 Atlanta, GA, 30305

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