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Amelda Brownの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Amelda Brown ACTRESS SUCCESS - 2023年5月2日
Receved after 5 weeks my 3 fotos signed Amelda Brown C/o Scott Marshall Partners Ltd Holborne Studios 49/50 Eagle Wharf Road London, N1 7ED United Kingdom MY AUTOGRAPHS BY http://weber-jean-psacal1.e-monsite.com/ http://surfmypictures.com/image/a4d6609ee93142d2/tgjoq.html Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures

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Amelda Brown Success! - 2019年4月11日
I wrote to Ms. Brown on 02/02/2019 and received a reply on 4/11/2019 Amelda Brown Scott Marshall Partners Ltd. Holborn Studios 49/50 Eagle Wharf Road London, N1 7ED UK http://surfmypictures.com/image/6711ffe6a835b2c4/xg303.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/6711ffe6a835b2c4/uqdqg.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/6711ffe6a835b2c4/rkqzd.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/6711ffe6a835b2c4/5lf3e.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/6711ffe6a835b2c4/iy4ra.html

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Amelda Brown (Harry Potter) Success - 2013年9月2日
I sent LOR, trading card and SAE. Received my card signed and additional photo signed in my SAE. Sent: 25 April 2013 Received: 26 August 2013 Address used: Amelda Brown Scott Marshall Partners Ltd. 2nd Floor 15 Little Portland Street London W1W 8BW UK

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Amelda Brown (HP's Mrs. Cole) - 2012年9月22日
On 9/5/12, I wrote Amelda Brown, who portrayed orphanage matron Mrs. Cole in "HP and the Half-Blood Prince," sending a 3x5 card for signing, $2 USD for conversion/postage, and an SAE. Got her reply today, 9/22/12, with my 3x5 signed "To Pat, With Many Thanks for your kind words. Best Wishes, Amelda Brown." She used a different envelope, so I also received my original SAE back, plus an unsigned color photo of her. This is 2 of 2 received today. Her address can be found in the fanmail.biz database, and is listed below. Amelda Brown c/o Scott Marshall Partners, Ltd. 15 Little Portland Street, 2nd Floor London W1W 8BW. [uUK[/u

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Amelda Brown (Harry Potter) SUCCESS - 2012年7月19日
I haven't gotten a success in over a month, so nice to finally get something. Amelda played the role of Mrs. Cole in Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince. I sent her a LOR, SAE, 4x6 and index card. My pic & index card were returned signed and personalized. I used the address in the database. Sent: 6/9/12 Received: 7/19/12 Pic: Index card: Sorry, no envelope pic.

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Mark Hirschbeck (Former Mlb Umpire) Success!



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