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Amy Childsの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Amy Childs Success - 2014年8月13日
Sent: LOR and SASE Address: c/o Amy Childs Collection, PO Box 12113, Ongar, Essex, CM5 9QZ, UK Received: Pre Signed Card (6 inch x 4 inch) Time Taken: 4 months (April 13th 2014 - August 13th 2014) Photo:

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Amy Childs - Random, Surprise Success! - 2014年2月25日
I had another surprise success today, this time from former The Only Way Is Essex star Amy Childs! I had written ONCE to Amy way back when I first started collecting, and received two personalised replies from her that same year. I havent wrote to her since then though, so I have no idea why I got this today! Its still very much appreciated though; just a shock! Haha. Sent: LOR, SASE When: 2011 sometime Received: 2 signed and personalised promo cards from Amy When: 2011 sometime and then... Received: a signed and personalised promo card from Amy, despite me not writing to her since my successes in 2011. It came in a brand new envelope too, that did not have my handwriting on. When: 25th February 2014 Picture: - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures I DO NOT HAVE THE ENVELOPE ANYMORE - I WAS IN A RUSH WHEN I OPENED IT, SO IT WAS DAMAGED AND I THREW IT AWAY Address Used: I didnt use any address as I didnt request it!! <img src= Amy can be contacted via her management though; CAN Associates. Amy Childs CAN Associates PO Box 602 Horsham West Sussex RH13 8WE Thanks for looking! - Daniel

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Amy Childs - 2012年11月26日
took 3 days to reply, got 1 signed photo dedicated to me address used: Amy Childs Can Associates P.O Box 602 Horsham RH13 8WE photo : -

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Amy Childs Success! - 2012年9月29日
Hi! I sent a SASE to Amy, Address: Amy Childs Can Associates P.O. Box 602 Horsham Sussex RH13 8WE UK I received a signed personalized picture from her, although I am 100% certain the personalization is fake as I sent it when she was on holiday (I checked her twitter) and received it back in the time she was on holiday too. I am unsure about her signature so comments on that are welcome <img src= picture on its own - picture with envelope -

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Amy Childs Success :) - 2011年11月1日
Heey <img src= Today i also received Amy Childs autograph, i am so happy im a big fan of amy <img src= only took about 2-3 weeks, sent her a LOR & SASE, used address in database, Amy Childs Can Associates P.O. Box 602 Horsham Sussex RH13 8WE UK Picture - - Envelope - -

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