Amy Hubermanの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):
Amy Huberman Success :) - 2013年2月6日 Heey
Yesterday I received Amy Hubermans autograph.
I sent her an LOR, SASE & 2 Photos January 4th 2013.
Received my 2 photos signed along with a funny note on one
as one of the photos got damaged due to all the rain here.
She used my SASE.
Address used,
Amy Huberman,
Lisa Richards Agency,
108 Upper Leeson Street,
Dublin 4.
Photo 1 - -
Photo 2 (this one got kinda damaged) - -
Envelope - - |
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Amy Huberman - Irish Actress - Success - 2012年12月24日 Amy Huberman is an award-winning Irish actress. Although she had numerous acting roles during her career, she is best known for her role in the popular Irish medical drama series "The Clinic", on Ireland's RTÃ. She also appeared in the short-lived NBC show Threesome. She is married to the legendary Irish rugby player Brian O' Driscoll (In the months before their marriage, O' Driscoll had a cameo appearance in The Clinic.) As well as being an actress, she is also an acclaimed novelist.
Sent Ms. Huberman 1 LOR, SASE, 8x10 photo and Christmas Card on 17/12/12. The card was specially for her and Brian. On 21/12/12, I received my photo signed and dedicated.
It was also the first reply in my 'Celebrity Christmas Card' campaign.
Address used was:
Amy Huberman
c/o The Lisa Richards Agency
108 Upper Leeson St.
Dublin 4
No scanner. |
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