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Andrea Bocelliの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 3ページ):

Andrea Bocelli success!! - 2017年1月13日
I sent a LOR to the address on his official website http://www.andreabocelli.com/ on 4/11/16, and today I received a signed photo from one of my favourite Opera singers!! Thank you very much Mr. Bocelli <img src= <img src=

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Andrea Bocelli Success - 2014年11月2日
Sent:LOR,IRC,two photos and SAE on the 25th of September Recieved:two photos signed this week Sent to the address in the database: Andrea Bocelli Almud Edizioni Musicali s.r.l Via Padre Ignazio da Carrara n° 1 55042 Forte dei Marmi (LU) Italy Picture: - Envelope: -

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Andrea Bocelli SUCCESS! - 2014年3月3日
Sent letter SASE and photo on 2/18 received signed today Address: Mr. Andrea Bocelli Almud Edizioni Musicali s.r.l Via Padre Ignazio da Carrara n° 1 55042 Forte dei Marmi (LU) Italy

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Andrea Bocelli Great Success - 2013年8月30日
Sent: 29 May 2013, LOR, IRC, 1 photo Received: 30 August 2013, 1 photo signed Address used: Mr. Andrea Bocelli Almud Edizioni Musicali s.r.l Via Padre Ignazio da Carrara n° 1 55042 Forte dei Marmi (LU) Italy Photo:

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Andrea Bocelli - 2012年9月27日
I used the address in database. Sent on 14th of september, received on 27th of september. Letter, IRC, 2 Fotos. Andrea Bocelli Almud Edizioni Musicali s.r.l Via Padre Ignazio da Carrara n° 1 55042 Forte dei Marmi (LU) Italy - <img src=

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