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Andy Murrayの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 5ページ):

Andy Murray Success! - 2014年6月4日
Sent 3 times 3/15, 4/14. and last week, finally got something yesterday, 6/3. Used the XIX address in database. - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Andy Murray Success - 2014年3月26日
Sent LOR and SASE 17/3/14. Recived auto back 26/3/14. Adrress used was one in database.

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Andy Murray - 2014年3月24日
Received the post cards from Andy Murray. They appear to be printed on the post cards. Anyone been successful getting authentic autos from him? Used address below. Andy Murray XIX Management Unit 32/33 Ransomes Dock Business Centre 35-37 Parkgate Road London SW11 4NP UK - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Andy Murray! - 2014年2月23日
Wrote to him 3 weeks ago and last week received the latest Adidas postcard of him signed. Used database address Andy Murray XIX Management Unit 32/33 Ransomes Dock Business Centre 35-37 Parkgate Road London SW11 4NP UK PM me for any more details http://i1175.photobucket.com/albums/r63 ... 8tki0f.jpg

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Andy Murray Success - 2014年2月19日
Its been a long time since I have posted on fanmail.biz. I am starting to post again. Sent: February 8, an LOR, and $2 US dollars (for return postage) to Andy Murray's management. I used the address in the database: Andy Murray XIX Management Unit 32/33 Ransomes Dock Business Centre 35-37 Parkgate Road London SW11 4NP UK Received: Autographed card/photo today, February 18. It is completely different from all the other successes, so I am 100% sure that it is real. I don't know why, but I received both Roger Federer and Andy Murray successes today. You can check out my R. Federer post here: Photo:

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