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Anne Helm success RTS address - 2017年1月30日
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Anne Helm Actress - 2016年9月6日
Anne Helm (born September 12, 1938) is a retired actress, born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and a current resident of Pasadena, California. Living in New York City, Helm began her pursuit of an acting career, which eventually led to Hollywood. Beginning in the 1950s, she made guest appearances on different television series, mostly during the 60's, and made her motion picture debut in 1960. Helm drew national recognition as the love interest of Elvis Presley in his 1962 film, Follow That Dream. She made five more films during the 1960s. Including The Iron Maiden (released in the US as Swinging Maiden ) a 1962 British made comedy film. Sent her 2 photos (5X7) of her with Elvis on 26 Aug and got both back signed on 6 Sep. She also included a list of 8X10 autographed photos that you can buy from her.. Anne Helm P.O. Box 3131 South Pasadena, CA 91031

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