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Anne Riceの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 4ページ):

Anne Rice RTS - 2017年9月17日
Sent a soundtrack CD, autograph request and fan letter on 16/01/2017, recieved back around mid' March- the packet was stamped with- 'UNDELIVERABLE COMMERCIAL MAIL NO AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE MAIL FOR THIS ADDRESSEE.' Used address in the database- Anne Rice 42335 Washington St Apt F-384 Palm Desert, CA 92211 USA ... does anyone have an upto date valid fanmail address for Anne Rice? Thanks,

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Author Anne Rice success!!! - 2014年9月9日
On 8-18-14 I wrote a letter to Anne Rice telling her I am a big fan of hers and that I read all her books.I included a 4x6 photo and asked her if she would sign it. She signed it and then some! She also sent me a signed and personalized 8x10 and two pages of 12 signed book plates!! She is very good to her fans!. I received all of this on 9-6-13. I used the address in the database. Anne Rice 42335 Washington St Apt F-384 Palm Desert, CA 92211 USA - - - - -

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Anne Rice success - 2014年8月7日
Sent 17.05.2014 LOR, SASE, 1 photo Received 07.08.2014 - 2 photo, 12 stikers Anne Rice 42335 Washington St Apt F-384 Palm Desert, CA 92211 USA [us<!-- s[us --> 

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Anne Rice Great Success! - 2014年7月23日
On June 15, 2014, I sent an 8x10, LOR, and SASE to author Anne Rice. On July 22, 2014, I received my photo back signed and personalized. Ms. Rice also enclosed her own signed 8x10 photo and two sheets containing a total of 12 autographed book plates. Ms. Rice has a history of being wonderful to her fans. Address Anne Rice 42335 Washington Street, Apt. F384 Palm Desert, California 92211

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Anne Rice SUCCESS! - 2014年6月4日
I sent out a fan letter and SASE to Anne Rice back on 3/31/14 (I also planned on sending my own photo for her to sign, but couldnt due to my printer experiencing issues with printing photos at the time). Today, 6/4/14, I received an autographed 8x10 from Anne, as well as personally signed bookplates! I am also including a photo of the envelope that was used to send everything to me, which includes the SASE I sent for Anne to use. The address I used was: Anne Rice 42335 Washington Street Apt. F-384 Palm Desert, CA 92211 Sent 3/31/14: Fan letter SASE Received 6/4/14: Autographed 8x10 Autographed bookplates - - -

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