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Anni-Frid Lyngstadの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 3ページ):

Anni-Frid Lyngstad (Frida from ABBA) Success - 2014年4月1日
Anni-Frid Lyngstad Sent 2 photos, letter and SASE 1/17/2014 from Denver, Colorado, 2 pictures and a note back on 3/31/2014 c/o Tom Talent Entertainment AG / Zermatt Unplugged Postfach 72 CH-3920 Zermatt Switzerland http://zermatt-unplugged.ch/ - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures please check out, and like my face book page... https://www.facebook.com/ChristopherLykinsautographs

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Anni-Frid Lyngstad (ABBA) SUCCESS! - 2013年10月22日
On 8/5/13, I wrote ABBA's Anni-Lyngstad with a TTM request, sending SSAE, $2 USD for return postage purchase, and a single 3x5 card for signing. Got her reply yesterday, 10/21/13, in the form of a color picture postcard signed "Anni-Frid." I don't know if it is a pre-print or not, but it's still a pleasant surprise. Her address is in the fanmail.biz database, and is listed below. 1 of 2 received. Anni-Frid Lyngstad c/o Mono Music AB Sodra Brobanken 41 Skeppshomen 111-49 Stockholm [uSWEDEN[/u

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Anni-Frid Lyngstad/ abba / success - 2011年8月19日
sent frida two pics to sign,via her home addy,its the only way to get a abba pic signed,wont be giving out the addy,as she told me to keep it private,,,so hate me as much as you like <img src= took 5 weeks ,,she also added a card of her own,unfortunately the postie bent it and put a crease in it through the sig,however she wrote a note on the back ,which compensates my loss :neutral:<!-- s:neutral: --> 

front of added promo

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back of promo 
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Björn Ulvaeus and Anni-Frid Lyngstad (ABBA) success! - 2011年6月16日
Letter sent: 2011-06-14 Received: 2011-06-16 Addresses used: Anni-Frid Lyngstad Mono Music AB Södra Brobänken 41 Skeppsholmen 111 49 Stockholm Sweden and Björn Ulvaeus Mono Music AB Södra Brobänken 41 Skeppsholmen 111 49 Stockholm Sweden I included one stamp in each envelope I sent to them and they used both of them on the common envelope they sent back to me. - - -

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