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Anthony Reynoldsの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 3ページ):

First ever success! ( Hunger Games : Anthony Reynolds ) - 2012年5月26日
Today I have received my FIRST EVER success! I sent an LOR Anthony Reynolds, asking for an autograph for my Hunger Games-loving best friend Anthony Reynolds played Peacemaker #2 in the films. He sent a photo back, personalized to her, and also supplied the envelope and postage. Took 11 days Sent: May 14, 2012 Received: May 25, 2012 Address used: Anthony Reynolds Artists Resource Agency, Inc. 174 Hunters Glen Drive Summerfield, NC 27358 USA I just found out about Autograph collecting, and I am already obsessed! Love this forum! <img src= Pictures: - Shot at 2012-05-26 Theres even a special HG sticker for the return address :3 - Shot at 2012-05-26

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Anthony Reynolds - Hunger Games - Success - 2012年4月27日
Today I FINALLY received my 7th Hunger Games cast member success. I had sent to Mr. Reynolds early March 2012 but had gotten a RTS on April 15, 2012 for some odd reason. So I had to resend to the same address. Sent: April 16, 2012 Received: April 27, 2012 Took: 2 weeks (well 2 months if you count the 1st try) Address used: Anthony Reynolds c/o Artists Resource Agency 174 Hunter Glen Drive SummerField, NC 27358 -

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Anthony Reynolds - Hunger Games - RTS? - 2012年4月14日
So i got this back today.. which is weird since its the same address everyone has used and gotten a response from? Anthony Reynolds C/o Artists Resource Agency Inc. 174 Hunters Glen Drive. Summerfield, NC 27358 USA anyone have any idea?

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Anthony Reynolds (Hunger Games-Peacekeeper #2) Success! - 2012年4月10日
Sent letter, photo, SASE. Date Sent: March 29, 2012 Date Received: April 10, 2012 Address Used: Anthony Reynolds C/o Artists Resource Agency Inc. 174 Hunters Glen Drive. Summerfield, NC 27358 USA - -

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Anthony Reynolds (The Hunger Games) Success! - 2012年4月9日
A few weeks ago, I sent a LOR to Anthony Reynolds, who was a Peacekeeper in The Hunger Games movie. Today, April 9th, 2012, I received a wonderful photo of him signed and personalized. Address Used: Anthony Reynolds C/o Artists Resource Agency Inc. 174 Hunters Glen Drive. Summerfield, NC 27358 USA Picture: -

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