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Arben Bajraktarajの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Arben Bajraktaraj Success, Actor - 2017年6月22日
Heute Neu: Arben Bajraktaraj (Antonin Dolohow in Harry Potter) UBBA, 6 rue de Braque, 75003 Paris. France 2 mitgeschickte Fotos signiert mit Widmung 16.11.2016 - 22.06.2017

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Arben Bajraktaraj (Harry Potter) - 2015年10月30日
He played Antonin Dolohov in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Sent: 3.7.2015: letter, photo and SASE Received: 15.10.2015: my photo back signed in my SASE Address: Arben Bajraktaraj UBBA 6 rue de Braque 75003 Paris France Photo:

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Arben Bajraktaraj (Harry Potter, TAKEN) SUCCESS! - 2015年5月11日
Sent: email http://www.arbenbajraktaraj.net/ (11.02.2013) Received: printed card (11.05.2015) http://surfmypictures.com/image/54b96fa ... 7sst1.html

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Arben Bajraktaraj (HP's Antonin Dolohov) SUCCESS! - 2012年7月24日
On 7/1/12, I wrote Arben Bajraktaraj (HP's Antonin Dolohov) with a TTM autograph request, that included SAE, a single 3x5 card for signing, and $2 USD for currency exchange/return postage. Got his reply today, 7/24/12, with my 3x5 signed "To Pat Cross.....Arben Bajraktaraj." Address used is in the fanmail.biz database, and is listed below. Arben Bajraktaraj c/o UBBA 6 Rue de Braque 75003 Paris FRANCE

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Arben Bajraktaraj Success (HP) - 2011年8月25日
Hi everybody, <img src= Arben played in: Harry Potter, Taken, Sarahs Key, Of Gods and Men... address: Arben Bajraktaraj UBBA 6 rue de Braque 75003 Paris France send:letter, photo and SAE, 8.August recived:my signed and personalized photo, 24.August photo: -

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