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Arnold Schwarzeneggerの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 4ページ):

Arnold Schwarzenegger RTS - 2017年11月21日
https://image.ibb.co/jRDzsm/23798980_10 ... 3797_o.jpg used database address Arnold Schwarzenegger 3110 Main St Ste 300 Santa Monica, CA, 90405-5354

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Arnold Schwarzenegger PP Success - 2016年10月25日
Sent: July 30 2016 Received: October 25 2016 I sent him a letter, self-addressed envelope and a photo. Three months later, he replied with a pre-print autograph photo. Address used: Arnold Schwarzenegger Oak Productions, Inc. 3110 Main Street Suite 300 Santa Monica, CA 90405-5354 USA Photo: http://surfmypictures.com/image/2f75dfb ... 6isfy.html

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Arnold Schwarzenegger (PP) - 2016年6月14日
Arnold Schwarzenegger (PP) May 4, 2016 I sent a letter to one of the management of Arnold. Unfortunately he didn't sign my photo and sent them back. He added a pre print card as well and a letter saying that they can't sign autographs. Via: TTM Waited Time: 9 months Received: 04.05.16 Sent: 09.07.15 Dedication:No Sent: A SAE with 2 euros, LOR and a photo picture: http://philongautographs.wix.com/autogr ... a4170ce7f2

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Arnold Schwarzenegger - 2016年5月13日
I sent letter and SASE to Mr.Schwarzenegger about one years ago and received this usual autopen autograph. I used address on database. Arnold Schwarzenegger Oak Productions, Inc. 3110 Main Street Suite 300 Santa Monica, CA 90405-5354 USA Photo https://twitter.com/poponta2029/status/ ... 43040?s=09

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arnold schwarzenegger failure - 2016年5月11日
I sent a letter out to Arnold on 1/29/16 asking him to sign my picture. I received a response from his agency on 5/9/16. I received a note saying that they are not a fan mail address. they returned my photo but included a pre-print with fun facts about Arnold on the back. address used: Arnold Schwarzenegger Oak Productions, Inc. 3110 Main Street Suite 300 Santa Monica, CA 90405-5354

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