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Aubrey Plazaの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 3ページ):

Aubrey Plaza success! - 2014年9月8日
Sent on July 11, 2014 (2 photos w/SASE) Recvd Sept. 8, 2014 (only recieved one back) Address: Aubrey Plaza "Parks and Recreation" CBS Studio Center 4024 Radford Avenue Norvet Bldg. 3rd Floor Studio City, CA 91604 Envelope: http://i1110.photobucket.com/albums/h45 ... 662a35.jpg Photo (8x10): -

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Aubrey Plaza (Parks and Rec) Success - 2014年6月20日
Received an amazing success from Aubrey Plaza! She plays April on Parks and Rec; one of my favorite shows. I sent during filming in the spring. I dont think theyre filming now but will be once again in the fall. Sent: 2/11/14 Received: 6/16/14 Sent to: Ms. Aubrey Plaza Parks and Recreation CBS Studio Center 4024 Radford Ave Norvet Bldg 3rd Floor Studio City, CA 91604 http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b61 ... 80ff6d.jpg

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Aubrey Plaza Success! (Parks and Rec) - 2013年8月20日
Was not expecting this one back! Sent: well over a year ago. June 2012? What I sent: LOR, SASE, 1 picture Received: August 16, 2013 What I received: My picture signed and dedicated in my SASE Address used: Aubrey Plaza "Parks and Rec" 4024 Radford Ave Studio City, CA 91604 USA Pictures: - -

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Aubrey Plaza Success - 2013年8月18日
Sent: 2/4/2013 Received: 8/16/2013 Address used: Aubrey Plaza “Parks and Recreation” CBS Studio Center 4024 Radford Avenue Norvet Bldg. 3rd Floor Studio City, CA 91604 -

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Aubrey Plaza VV Success! - 2013年1月26日
Sent 3 photos to the Parks & Recreations set in late December and got it back today. I love how Aubrey got Chris Platt to sign the 3rd photo! <img src= ) Photos & Envelope: http://www.jericasautographs.blogspot.c ... a.html?m=1 - - Deuces! <img src=

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