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Barack Obamaの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 5ページ):

President Obama success (Barack Obama) - 2014年10月10日
My daughter sent a letter picture and SASE on 8-10-14. On 10-10-14 envelope from White house came with a autopen signed picture of President Oboma, a preprinted picture of Oboma and the first lady, a note and two pictures of there dogs. Adress used: President Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington DC, 20500 -

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Got a letter from President Barack Obama! - 2014年6月12日
Sent the letter in March 2014 Received it on May 12 2014 took about 3 months Used Barack Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington DC 20500 The best way I got a response was explain about myself with background like school with volunteering, how his programs helped and impacted me, explain my agreement with his ideas, and explain my interest in history. I got his signature Link is http://mwinick.blogspot.com/2014/06/let ... obama.html - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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US President Barack Obama Very Quick PP Success - 2013年8月16日
I sent a letter on the white house on 8/11/2013 and received a Pre-Printed photo of President Obama today. That was very quick so bravo to the White House fanmail center. Address used: The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 - -

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President Barack Obama & First Lady Michelle Obama PREPRINT - 2013年7月29日
I sent an email through the White House website a month ago asking for a photo and today I received a PP photo of the whole first family with the presidents and first ladys preprinted signatures on it. -

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Barack Obama Success x2 - 2013年7月28日
On June 18th, 2013, I sent a LOR only to: Barack Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington DC 20500 USA I received the following on July 27th, 2013. Envelope: - A Letter: - A Photo: - I know that the photo is a PP, but I specifically asked in my letter if Mr. Obama could send back a letter, whether he wrote it or not, but to please sign it and that I really wanted a real autograph from him and not just a preprint. So, the signature on the letter looks pretty real. You can see that the two signatures are clearly different, and the letter looks very natural. I can see the glare of the pen/marker, its not an AP, I think its real, so Im pretty happy with it!

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