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Barbara Bushの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

George H.W. Bush / Barbara Bush Special Success - 2018年7月1日
First Lady Barbara Bush passed away April 17, 2018 Sent Condolence card to President George HW Bush, 10000 Memorial Dr, Suite 900, Houston, TX 77024 on April 21, 2018 Received thank you card and commemorative picture June 28, 2018

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Barbara Bush Failure - 2018年3月10日
Got a failure from: Barbara Bush P.O. Box 79798 Houston, TX 77279-9798 Is there a better address for this person? I don't upload scans/photos for RTS or failures. Check out my successes at

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Barbara Bush authentic success - 2016年12月19日
On 30/10/16 I sent a private email to someone who works for the Bush's asking for a signed photo for my upcoming birthday. On 21/11/16 I received a signed and inscribed photo in the mail!!! <img src=

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RARE President George H. W. Bush & Barbara Bush SUCCESS!! - 2016年5月19日
I'm completely amazed at this autograph success. I mailed two letters on April 7, 2016 to President George H. W. Bush and his wife Barbara, requesting their autographs on a photo I had. I got that picture back unsigned but I have this genuine photo signed by them both. What great hospitality for them both to sign it, even though they're both in their 90's. Great President, great autographs! Address in database was used.

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Barbara Bush SUCCESS! - 2012年7月21日
On 4/9/12, I wrote Barbara Bush, former First Lady and wife of President George H.W. Bush, with a TTM autograph request, sending SSAE and a 3x5 card for signing. Instead of my 3x5, I received a color 8x10 of the Bushes, inscribed "To Pat Cross with Best Wishes." This is the same photo that her husband signed, but her signature/autograph is in blue ink and is authentic. Address used is in the fanmail.biz database and is below. Barbara Bush c/o The Office of George Bush 10000 Memorial Drive, ste. 900 Houston, TX 77024

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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