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Barry Mannの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Barry Mann Songwriter Singer - 2018年2月7日
Barry Mann (born Barry Imberman; February 9, 1939)[1 is an American songwriter, and part of a successful songwriting partnership with his wife, Cynthia Weil. Mann and Weil, who married in 1961, developed some songs intended to be socially conscious, with successes such as "Uptown" by the Crystals, "We Gotta Get out of This Place" by the Animals, "Magic Town" by the Vogues, and "Kicks" by Paul Revere & the Raiders. As of May 2009, Mann's song catalog lists 635 songs. He has received 56 popular music, country, and Rhythm&Blues awards from Broadcast Music Incorporated, and 46 Millionaire Awards for radio performances numbering more than one million plays. The song "You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'", co-written with Weil and Phil Spector, was the most played song of the 20th century, with more than 14 million plays. He has written or co-written 53 hits in the UK and 98 hits in the US. [youtubelXmsLe8t_gg[/youtube Sent him 2 photos on 24 Dec '17 and got them back signed on 7 Jan. Mr Barry Mann 1010 Laurel Way Beverly Hills, CA 90210

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