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Barry Williamsの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 3ページ):

Barry Williams Success - 2015年12月19日
Sent Barry two pictures to be signed on 3 November 2015. Got them back on 16 December 2015. Thanks Barry Williams!!! Address used was: Barry Williams Amsel, Eisenstadt & Frazier & Hinojosa Talent Agency 5055 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 865 Los Angeles, CA 9003 http://surfmypictures.com/image/89dca7d ... rd4hj.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/89dca7d ... 5b2zw.html

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Barry Williams - The Brady Bunch - VV Success. - 2015年10月28日
Sent a LOR, SASE, and DVD Slipcover on 10/18/15. Returned autographed by Barry Williams on 10/26/15. Barry Williams 70's Music Celebration 3425 W 76 Country Blvd Branson, MO 65616 (Valid through 2015-16 season)

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Barry Williams Success - 2015年3月6日
I received my photo signed by Barry Williams, who played Greg Brady on The Brady Bunch. I sent it to his agent in CA and it came back postmarked from Springfield, MO. Sent: 1/31/15 Received: 3/5/15 Sent to: Mr. Barry Williams C/O Amsel, Eisenstadt, & Frazier & Hinojosa Talent Agency 5055 Wilshire Blvd Suite 865 Los Angeles, CA 90036

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Barry Williams Success - 2014年11月15日
http://surfmypictures.com/image/33ba6dc ... 5q7hv.html Sent a fan letter and SASE(no photo) to Barry Williams on October 13th. Sent to the database address(Amsel, Eisenstadt, etc.). Received this photo back on November 13th, from the address of his variety show in Branson.

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Barry Williams - Success - 2014年9月30日
On Sept. 8, 2014 I sent Mr. Barry Williams an LOR, an SASE & 2 photographs to: Amsel, Eisenstadt & Frazier Talent Agency 5055 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 865 Los Angeles, CA 90036 Today I received everything back autographed and personalized. He inscribed the first photo: Best wishes. Mr. Williams wrote on the picture of himself and the BB cast: All good wishes Barry Williams + The Bunch. I am very happy to receive this because I am such a big "Brady Bunch" fan. (Just this past Fri. was the 45th anniversary of the series, by the way!!). These are all of the other BB autographs that I have obtained through writing fan mail over the years: Ms. Florence Henderson (she was so kind to send 2), Mr. Sherwood Schwartz (he was so kind to send several), Mr. Lloyd Schwartz, Ms. Ann B. Davis ("Alice" was always my very favorite on the series), Mr. Chris Knight, Ms. Geri "Fake Jan" Reischl (she was so kind to send 2), Ms. Leah Ayres (she played Marcia in the new BB series in the 90s), and Mr. Sid Krofft (he created the BBVH, but is much more well-known as the creator and producer of many other successful variety shows, as well as an accomplished puppeteer). I am very grateful to Mr. Williams and to Fanmail.biz for keeping us in touch. Thank you very kindly Mr. Barry Williams. - - -

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