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Belgiumの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Eden Hazard (Chelsea F.C. & Belgium) - 2012年10月24日
Sent LOR, SASE and 1 Photo Received my Photo back signed in my SASE Sent c/o Chelsea F.C. Photo: Envelope:

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Ann Van Elsen (Miss Belgium 2010) amazing success!! - 2012年5月11日
Sent:April 2012, 2 photos, letter, SASE Recieved:2 photos signed in my own SASE, signed with my name.. Address I Used: VRT-MNM T.a.v.: Ann Van Elsen Auguste Reyerslaan 52 1043 Brussels Belgium

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Niels Destadsbader (Belgium Actor) succes! - 2011年9月23日
I have a really great succes from Belgium actor Niels Destadsbader! He's really famous in Belgie and Netherland.. I send my fanmail to Niels's management. Photos:

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Kevin (Belgium winner Idool 2011) success - 2011年8月8日
I send an e-mail to the Belgium winner of the program Idols 2011 Kevin and today I recieved an autographed photo Photo

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Davy Gilles (Belgium singer) succes - 2011年6月17日
Hi, I send 4 days ago a e-mail to Davy Gilles, he's a very good and famous people in Belgium! He's an actor but also a singer.. I e-mail him for a personal sign autographed photo and today recieved an autographed photo. Photo on my website

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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Karl Dykhuis Nhl Success
Olga Kurylenko Success
Mike Stanley (Former Yankees Catcher) Success!
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Nhl Jason Bonsignore Success
Nhl Danton Cole Success
Nfl Darren Carrington Success
Nfl Connor Shaw Fail / Rts
Nfl Felix Anudike-Uzomah Fail / Rts (Kansas City Chiefs)



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