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Ben L. Jonesの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Ben L. Jones (Paid) SUCCESS - 2021年1月31日
Ben Jones from Dukes of Hazzard has a website with many photos to choose from that he signs. If you'd like a special inscription, they told me to put that in the notes when you order. Turnaround is very very fast. Not sure if Mr. Jones will sign for free, and given his age, I figured why chance it? Only $15 per photo. www.cootersplace.com Cooter's Place 2613 McGavock Pike Nashville, TN 37214 Ordered January 26 Received January 30

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Ben "Cooter" Jones: Dukes of Hazzard Success (Ben L. Jones) - 2011年5月31日
This is a multi-part story, so bear with me. When I was young, Ben Jones made an appearance at the local mall. This was sometime in the early 80s. We went and meet him and I had always assumed we had gotten his autograph on a photo. Once I started collecting, I went home and found an unsigned photo. Disheartening but it is what it is. I then found out he sold pics signed though his website only. http://www.cootersplace.com/ Sometime at the end of April I ordered a signed photo at what I thought was a good price. By some matter of fate, I received and unsigned photo. So I called them up and they said they are not sure what happened but If I returned the photo that they could get it signed when Ben was next visiting which was May 21st. I also mentioned that I had a vintage photo that I would love to get signed and they told me to send and Ben would also sign it. So today I received both of my photos signed and personalized. I am over the moon with the results. Vintage photo - Modern photo -

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