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Benedict Cumberbatchの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Benedict Cumberbatch - better than nothing (pp) success - 2015年12月20日
Today, I received a pre-print photo of Benedict Cumberbatch. I used the address in the database. His intern sent my photo back, but included a pre-printed 5 X 7 photo that looks exactly like all of the others in the database. It's better than nothing.

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Benedict Cumberbatch - 2015年3月31日
Updated, please see my posted message.

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Benedict Cumberbatch - PP - 2015年3月23日
PP from the Conway Van Gelder Grant Ltd address. Sent 12th March. Received 23rd of March

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Benedict Cumberbatch "Success" (PP) - 2014年7月22日
Sent letter, SASE, and 3 photos on 6/13/14 to the address in the database. Received 1 PP back on 7/19/2014, along with my original 3 photographs, unsigned. Not a success in my book. Any thoughts, suggestions, or comments? Benedict Cumberbatch Conway Van Gelder Grant Ltd. 8-12 Broadwick Street 3rd Floor London W1F 8HW UK -

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