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Bernard A. Harris Jr.の直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Dr Bernard Harris Shuttle Astronaut (Bernard A. Harris Jr.) - 2017年1月11日
Bernard Anthony Harris Jr. (born June 26, 1956 in Temple, Texas) is a former NASA astronaut. On February 9, 1995, Harris became the first African American to perform an extra-vehicular activity (spacewalk), during the second of his two Space Shuttle flights. He received a B.S. degree in biology from University of Houston in 1978. He earned his MD degree from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine in 1982. Harris completed a residency in internal medicine at the Mayo Clinic in 1985. He also trained as a flight surgeon at the Aerospace School of Medicine at Brooks Air Force Base in San Antonio in 1988. His second mission was as the Payload Commander on STS-63 ( February 2 1995 – February 11 1995), the first flight of the new joint Russian-American Space Program. Mission highlights included the first rendezvous (but not docking) with the Russian space station Mir and retrieval of Spartan 204 satellite. During the flight, Harris became the first African-American to walk in space Missions STS-55, STS-63 Sent 2 photos on 9 Sep and got both back signed on 11 Jan '17 Dr. Bernard Harris c/o The Harris Foundation 1330 Post Oak Blvd Suite 2550 Houston, TX 77056

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